DevOpsCon Berlin 2024

Key Facts

Conference: DevOpsCon Berlin
Topic: Infrastructure as Code and AI - Does It Fit? && Cloud Computing Workshop
Location: Berlin (Workshop: Berlin and online)
Date: 2024-06-19 and 2024-06-20
Lecturer: Patrick Koch


Lecture: AI combined with cloud computing and Infrastructure as Code - does it fit? Yes, indeed! Are you curious how GitHub Copilot could support you in implementing Infrastructure as Code to deploy resources on Azure in an automated manner? This talk reveals my approach to using the AI pair programming tool. Starting from scratch, I will create a working Terraform configuration that can deploy a Kubernetes cluster on Azure, by just providing comments. What do good practices for that look like? I’ll prove that AI speeds up your development speed and works well for Infrastructure as Code approaches.

Workshop: This workshop consists of two parts - a theoretical and a practical one. Participants will learn theoretical knowledge about fundamental cloud computing concepts, (Azure) Kubernetes Service, and Infrastructure as Code. The practical section is about deploying several services on Azure. Participants get access to an Azure subscription and together, we will perform several exercises. Learn how to deploy an Azure Container Instance, how to apply a Kubernetes job at an Azure Kubernetes service, and how to apply a Kubernetes deployment at an Azure Kubernetes service. You will also see how to scale workloads and how to estimate the costs of deployed resources using the Azure pricing calculator. Participants should have basic knowledge about software development. Please have a laptop with an up-to-date browser - ideally your private laptop, since the Azure login might be restricted for tenants.
