1. Introduction
In this meetup, Patrick Koch is going to talk about the fundamentals of the Azure Kubernetes Service, with a deep dive into Workloads by having a short theoretical session first and a live demonstration afterward.
Content Basics:
What can Kubernetes do for you? What are the Kubernetes Components? * How to set up a Kubernetes cluster in Azure using Terraform * What is the kubeconfig file - what’s its purpose? * How to use the kubectl tool * Deep Dive Workloads
What are Workloads Different types of Workloads Deploy a Job at a Kubernetes Cluster * Deploy a StatefulSet at a Kubernetes Cluster * Deploy a Deployment at a Kubernetes Cluster * Scale a Workload * (*) included in the live demonstration
Get together afterward with snacks and drinks :) As it’s one day before St.Patricks Day - we’ll offer Irish Beer in addition as preparation - Sláinte! ;)
Recording (german)
2. Key Facts
Title: Azure Kubernetes Service - Fundamentals and Deep Dive into Workloads [Tutorial]
Location: Graz, Smart City - Waagner-Biro Strasse 108
Date: 2023-03-16
meetup.com link: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/microsoftdevelopergraz/events/292067786/
github.com repository: https://github.com/patkoch/terraformonazure
— Patrick Koch (@PK_Koch) March 16, 2023
Looking forward to the 4th #Azure specific #meetup of the @msdevgraz!
Today we'll go through the basics of the Azure #Kubernetes Service and provide a demonstration including:
* Provisioning the AKS using #Terraform
* Pushing Container images to an Azure Container Registry
Some impressions of our 4th #Azure specific #meetup of the @msdevgraz, which was about provisioning of an #AKS using #Terraform and applying #workloads.
— Patrick Koch (@PK_Koch) March 18, 2023
Had a lot of fun! 🙌😃#azurecommunity #microsoft #cloudfamily #communityrocks pic.twitter.com/ZyHlgh5oyG
3. Prerequisites
Basic understanding of cloud computing
4. How to arrive
Google Maps Link to the location of the building: https://goo.gl/maps/cYWg58TzHd2vBchXA
If you’d like to arrive by using public transport, take line 6 (Smart City) get out at “Dreierschützengasse/Helmut-List-Halle” and follow the way of the blue dotted line:
Just go straight forward and pass the gate:
We’ll meet us at the door below the “AVL” icon. There you’ll get your access card for entering the building: