1. Introduction

In this session, Patrick Koch will show how resources can be provisioned, modified and destroyed in Azure by using Terraform. Discover how an Infrastructure as Code approach can be enabled by using an open-source tool. Enjoy a live demonstration including the provisioning of virtual machines, Kubernetes Cluster, Container Registries, etc. which are ready to work within a few minutes.
Get-together afterwards with having snacks and drinks :)
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of cloud computing
2. Key Facts
Title: Automating Azure Infrastructure with Terraform [Tutorial]
Location: Graz, Smart City - Waagner-Biro Strasse 108
Date: 2022-11-29
meetup.com link: https://www.meetup.com/microsoftdevelopergraz/events/289763690/
github.com repository: https://github.com/patkoch/terraformonazure
Our last #meetup this year was about automating infrastructure on #Azure using #Terraform, which lead to an interesting exchange - so again our attendees were very active :)
— Patrick Koch (@PK_Koch) December 4, 2022
Btw.: we've already planned a session in January!
A huge thx to our sponsors: @Microsoft and @AVL_List pic.twitter.com/WhVqJtFgCl
Scheduled a new #Azure meetup for @msdevgraz :)
— Patrick Koch (@PK_Koch) November 15, 2022
I'll show how to automate #infrastructure on Azure using #Terraform!
Looking forward to meet you at the event! :)#Microsoft #hashicorp
Automating Azure Infrastructure with Terraform https://t.co/oBzSKjTM4p #Meetup via @Meetup
3. Prerequisites
Basic understanding of cloud computing
4. How to arrive
Google Maps Link to the location of the building: https://goo.gl/maps/cYWg58TzHd2vBchXA
If you’d like to arrive by using public transport, take line 6 (Smart City) get out at “Dreierschützengasse/Helmut-List-Halle” and follow the way of the blue dotted line:

Just go straight forward and pass the gate:
We’ll meet us at the door below the “AVL” icon. There you’ll get your access card for entering the building: