
Creating a custom Dev Container for your GitHub Codespace to start with Terraform on Azure

February 18, 2024
azure terraform github codespace infrastructure-as-code devcontainer configuration-as-code devops cloud

Terraform on Azure - Testing of a Virtual Machine using Terratest

December 17, 2023
azure terraform go terratest infrastructure-as-code testing devops cloud

Create and manage a Service Principal using the Azure CLI

November 1, 2023
azure azurecli serviceprincipal rbac github githubactions terraform devops cloud

Terraform on Azure with GitHub Copilot - Creating a Kubernetes Cluster and a Container Registry

September 10, 2023
azure terraform githubcopilot kubernetes containerregistry iac ai microsoft hashicorp devops cloud

Terraform on Azure - Modules for Windows Virtual Machines

July 16, 2023
azure terraform modules virtualmachine virtualnetwork iac microsoft hashicorp devops cloud